
TypeDue DateStandard DelegatesPhDs Students
Early Bird1st of July of 2024490€325€
Regular RegistrationAfter the 1st of July of 2024650€400€

*Registration fee includes welcome in reception at Palacio de Figueroa, coffee breaks, light lunches, and farewell banquet at Hacienda Zorita.

Payment facilities and detailed instructions will be provided in due course. We are pleased to inform you that most credit cards will be accepted as valid method of payment.

Cancellation Policy

In the event of a cancellation or non-attendance, we regret to inform you that, unfortunately, the registration fees are non-refundable. Your understanding in this matter is highly appreciated.

Registration Confirmation

Following the successful completion of your registration by “CURSOS INTERNACIONALES”, an automatic confirmation email will be dispatched to the email address provided during the registration process. Furthermore, a receipt acknowledging your registration will be sent to the registered email address approximately one week prior to the commencement of the Congress. If you have any inquiries or require additional information, please feel free to reach out to us.


For any inquiries or assistance related to the registration process, please do not hesitate to contact us at We are at your disposal and committed to providing the necessary support to ensure a seamless registration experience. Thank you for considering our event, and we look forward to addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

Additionally, you may reach us by phone at +34 923 29 45 00. When prompted, kindly enter the extension number #4729 or #5301 to connect directly with our team. Or if you prefer to contact Dr. Manuel S. Malmierca, you can phone him directly at +34 670 613 116.